Hi! I am Carolyn. I am 26. I am married to a sailor in the US Navy. We have been married for 7 years. We have 3 wonderful happy, healthy, wild children and one on the way. I am now at the 25 week mark of my pregnancy and very, very moody. It is really making me crazy to go from happy to crying to plain old mean in a matter of minutes. We live in Hawaii for the next few months then we will be moving on to our next duty station in Cali. I cannot wait! Hawaii is a great place to visit, but for us it was a great place to get too in debt and realize how much we miss our family. Anyway, thats it for now I guess...welcome to my world. Hold on tight, its gonna be a bumpy ride.
Scouting for Food
Scouting for food is always fun. I love to see the donation of food come
in to support the scouts and food pantry.
This Saturday is always a busy one with...
8 years ago