Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hair Cuts and Popsicles
Tonight while I was bathing Dalton in the sink he was having fun playing so I decided while he was calm and destracted I would cut his hair I am proud of the way it came out. I think I did a very good job! Before:
And the after:
I am hoping to catch Kaden in a deep sleep tonight and be able to cut his! He hates to have his head touched so it is a huge struggle. But we did find out today that he likes popsicles!!!!
JD also got a hair cut from daddy, but in the middle of the hair cut daddy asked him a question and instead of talking he nodded and had to have all of his hair buzzed to fix it :( made for a very unhappy mommy.
Danica wasnt very happy with me tonight and this was the best picture she would give me, maybe tomorrow after church she will give me a better one. Hmmmmm this was our Saturday in a nutshell! hope everyone is doing well! we love and miss you all! Care
Posted by Carolyn at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Once again
It has been too long since I have posted. We are doing well. We had a nice Easter. We sure do miss having family around! Here are a few cute pics of the last little bit.
Easter....JD woke up sick Saturday night and by Sunday evening we had to take him to the the urgent care here on base. He had an ear infection. He is all better now :) And this is a picture of Dalton in his dads cranial..
Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs and Kisses!
Posted by Carolyn at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
And then reality hits
I was in the living room and the kids were being watched by daddy in the kitchen.... Other titles this could have..."why daddy is never left in charge of the kids" " At least they were quiet" "Never trust quiet kids"
Posted by Carolyn at 12:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
so it has been
Forever and a Day since I last posted and I didnt even blog about JD's 8th Birthday. Can you believe it 8 years old already where does time go???? I can not believe it. I will post a blog on just him in the next day or 2. But for now I have to blog about our "perfect" night. Seriously, it has been so long since we have just sat and truly enjoyed a whole night of being together. It was amazing! I am so grateful for nights like last night where, everything goes smooth and everyone gets along, no one whines, full of hugs and kisses and I love you's and GOOD JOBS! Last night the kids had a patriotic program. It was so CUTE! i got all teary eyed watching my kids up on stage singing their little hearts out.(see pics and a horrible video :) I was holding Dalt and he kept grabbing the camera, sorry) After we were allowed to go into their classrooms and see what they had been working on. SO awesome! My kids amaze me with how smart they are and how much they are learning. Danica was sitting at her desk and had Abe Lincoln house she had built (you could build it at home, but she wanted to do hers at school with her friends) and she did so wonderful on it. (see pic below) :) JD met us in the Computer lab where he had a power point he had made himself to show us. HOLY COW my second grader know how to power point!?!?! AWESOME! then we went to his class where he had tons of stuff to show us (see pic below) After we went to the store and picked out dinner, then we came home and worked on homework (WITH OUT COMPLAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D) and it was wonderful everyone did what they were supposed to and helped each other. It was the most peace this family has had in a while and I am so grateful for it. Simply amazing! Anywho, heres the pics and video. Love you all!!! ~Care
Posted by Carolyn at 10:47 AM 0 comments