Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Dirty Laundry" Tuesday

OK so I am a day late, but i decide to join you in your dirty laundry Tuesday, Tiffany. Especailly since Tuesday tell and isnt my cup of tea this week who really cares about V-day anyway. LOL...oh wait me but thats a bitter subject. LOL Anywho, this week I am having a hard time dealing with duty weekend. But its not just duty weekend, normal duty weekend Vern works Friday and will usually have a watch either fri, sat or sun. But this weekend is a special duty weekend, reservist weekend to be exact so he works all day Friday, all day Sat, and then because he is so lucky he gets to have a watch on Sunday! YAY! Awesome! Perfect! Just what I want to spend the entire weekend being a single mother to 4 kids with no car. I love weekends I love having help, I love getting to sleep in a bit cuz daddy got up with the kids. I love being able to catch up on house work because I have extra hands to help with the kids who distroy anything i get accomplished in a matter of minutes. So, there you have it, my disappointment for the week. Kudos to all you single moms out there I do not know how you do and I admire you. And to all of you with deployed husbands, I feel your pain and know in a year I will have to do it on my own for 6 to 8 months out of the year and I will hate it. So when I look at it that way, I know my complaining is stupid and petty. But for today I am disappointed.


Tiffany said...

LOVE it, well not that you are pulling single mommy duty, but that you joined in on Dirty Laundry Tuesday!

I remember both deployments and the "real" single mommy days. I feel for you, I really do! Is it warm down there? Go to the park, make a blanket fort inside, or make them all fold the laundry. LOL

Carolyn said...

LOL thanks, if the weather cooperates then I am thinking photo shoot at the park with my tax return splurge. if not maybe a fun baking day and picnic in the living room.