Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3 Dalton Questions

From the time Dalton has been able to talk in full sentences he has been full of questions. It amazing me the amount of knowledge this kid possesses already. But there are 3 questions I get a day over and over and over. So today we are going to address those questions and maybe just maybe I will look back on this and laugh, even if that day is not to day.

#1. From the time Dalton wakes up until the time he is fast asleep he wants to know "whats for dinner?" He doesnt want breakfast. No thank you to lunch. But "whats for dinner?" I am sorry to tell you this kid, but I hardly ever know whats for dinner until I am in the middle of making it and even then I will probably change my mind half way through and 89% of the time it is not going to be your beloved spaghetti or "noodle" of any kind. You see your mommy dislikes spaghetti. Lots too many times of it as a kid. (it was one of grandmas favorite meals, and when you are the mom...or daddy who cooks for the family you get to pick). And it doesnt matter how many times you ask AFTER dinner is over the answer isnt going to be let me cook you up a bowl of spaghetti, since you refused to eat what I made.

#2. Where is my daddy? or when is my daddy going to be home? I love that you love your daddy. I love that you want to know where he is and when he will be back at ALL times. But show a little mommy love occasionally would ya?? This mama is a bit jealous when it come to your love for your daddy. Maybe I am to blame for your questions over and over. Since my favorite question to ask you over and over is who do you love? There is nothing sweeter then having you yell mommy and wrap your arms around my neck for a big old hug. Even when i whisper in your ear ok who do you really love and you tell me daddy. hahaha Love you crazy boy

#3. What time is it? And if as on cue you just came in and asked. well son its 3:54.... to which you reply well what does that mean? You see at this time you are not grasping the concept of time, yet about once ever half hour to an hour I need to tell you the time. I wish I could come up with an answer that would satisfy your need to know the time. But even my time to go outside, time to go inside, time for dinner, time to clean, time for mom to exercise...... NOTHING stops the asking for the time. Maybe we should be working on telling time and get you a watch. I am sure you would be able to tell time in no time at all! And now Dalty my boy it is time to clean up the messes we made and prepare for daddy to get home, dinner to be had and bedtime routine.
So until next time friends..........
Love ya!