Friday, April 15, 2011

sleep or the lack there of....

I have come to realize that sleep is important. Go figure! The boys were on a really cruddy schedule for a few days and man it just sucked me right back into my depression. They would go to bed awesome at 8pm and by 1:30 am they were back awake and ready for the day!!!! then about 7am they would go back to sleep till about 10am. It was really making it hard for me to want to do anything at all, so my working out and housework slacked. You see for some reason I think I should have an hour or so to myself (more if it has been a stressful day) and the only time I have for that is after everyone is asleep. Then I can watch what I want or read a book. Just take time for me, and I can not do it while anyone is awake, even if Vernon watches the boys I just cant relax. So when they were on that horrid schedule I would fall asleep some where between 11:30 and 12:30. then get back up at 1:30 with them. All motivation went right out the window! But last night was wonderful, they were both asleep about 10 and didnt get up till 8. PERFECT! Except them being up till 10 means there is no time with Vernon, he has to be asleep by 10, there is no way around it. Really he should be asleep by 8 if you ask me. (he has to be up by 4:20) But he tries to stay awake till 10 in hopes of getting to spend time with me. He gets home some where between 4:30 and 6:30. There just isnt much time that he is around anymore. And duty days are worse he is gone for 36 hours. Boo hoo. LOL ok this isnt supposed to be about being depressed its about getting back up after 3 days of moping. And I did and it felt good! Anyway, just wanted to post a little update on things. I am gonna go enjoy my day with the boys now. Hope you all have a wonderful day/ weekend! Vernon has duty so we wont see him Sat but he will be home Sunday morning, bet after his nap we could make it to Church! fingers crossed! I am hoping we can fit some fun in so I can put up more pix. Because lets face it blogs just arent any fun without pictures!!!! Ok, really off now! Love YA ~care