My parents and little brother Clay are in town and we are busy busy busy enjoying them. I will get back to regular posting after they leave.Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! And that you all are well! Love you! ~care
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
This year we were so spoiled and had such a great Christmas. Our families REALLY spoiled us! Thank you Thank You Thank you!
Dalton Christmas Eve. Daddy opening the Wii. His one gift to open Christmas Eve.
Vernon setting up the Wii. We are all excited to play! So far both Daddy and JD have got to play and love it!
All the kids in their Christmas Eve Jammies.
JD on the "Big" Santa gift to the kids.
Danica and her favorite present from Santa.
Kaden opened his cars helicopter and then ran to the top of the stairs and refused to come down to play with anything else. Or even finish opening his gifts. That is Ok though the other were more then willing to help out.
This is Dalton playing Tug of War with mommy over his toy :)
This is part of our Chaos as mommy is trying to clean up and organise everything and daddy is putting together Santa's Big gift.
P.S. So sorry it has taken till after NOON to post this the kids didn't fall asleep till 2 am and I had to force them out of bed! I couldn't stand the excitement anymore! Hope every ones Christmas was as wonderful as ours and again thank you all for spoiling us!
Posted by Carolyn at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
wooo hoo's of the day
WOOO HOOO #1 This was a few days ago, but every month they have an awards assembly for those who have gone the whole month with perfect attendance. This month it was JD's turn. (it seems my kids take turns missing a day of school each month. It is a very bad picture but it was the ONLY one that someone didn't walk in front of me while I was taking it. They make the parents sit in the VERY back of the cafeteria and they aren't like Hawaii where they invite and encourage the parents to sneak up and take pictures. So I was on MEGA zoom and well someday I will have an awesome camera!
WOOO HOOO #2 Danica's missing tooth picture! Isn't she beautiful? Messy hair and all!
WOO HOO #3 Kaden has been in a very bad need of a hair cut for a long time. But the HATES to have his head touched, so last night while he was sleeping I snuck in a trimmed his side burns, its not great and looks like someone who totally didn't know what they were doing took a weed whacker to his head but at least its not growing over his ears anymore. Even in his sleep he made it difficult, he kept reaching up and grabbing the scissors.
Wooo HOOO #4 Dalt also got his sideburns cut. MOMMY really messed those up! Vernon kept assuring me as I am crying that its hair and it will grow back. I kept telling him but not his baby curls! He also got to have his first try of oranges. I think he liked it!
WOOO HOOO #5 This website will publish my blog and put it in book form! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! We all know how important keeping a journal is and well I do mine online, and I can have someone print it out for me and I can have it forever and ever! Totally cool! It is on my wish list. I plan on doing it once a year.
WOOO HOOO #6. I am FINALLY getting around to my holiday baking! Better late then never right? Seems to be the story of my life. We are making peanut blossoms, snicker doodles, Chocolate chip with butter scotch chips, regular chocolate chip, and andes mint chocolate chunk cookies! YUMMY YUMMY!
Alrighty folks thats all for now! Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be Safe and Make sure you tell all of your loved ones how much they mean to you! (I am sure you all will hear from me again before all of this, but just in case you dont!) HUGS AND KISSES! ~ Care
Posted by Carolyn at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Need camera HELP
OK, so when tax return season hits, along with doing the smart thing and pay and all that other good stuff, I am going to do something purely selfish. i am going to buy myself a digital SLR camera. But I am struggling to find the perfect one for me and what I want. So if ANY of you out there have any thoughts on this and can help me out it would be so appreciated! I want something that will be clear, look semi professional, with out me having to be. It will need to be semi sturdy,but not like carrying around a brick, and something that both Vernon and I can use. Thoughts? Anyone? I have seen some WONDERFUL pictures on blogs while I am browsing through list...OK, I admit it, I blog stalk. LOL. Now I am jealous of all the wonderful picture out there and want nice ones too!
Posted by Carolyn at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I just realized...
I didnt post about meeting with the school Psychologist. Well there is a Very good explanation, i didnt go till today. So I have signed all the paperwork to have them run an IQ test, get paperwork from CVRC, and also got explained the whole process which really is a horrible process! They have to do an in home thing (SO NOT THRILLED ABOUT THIS). If you know me you know I hate having people in my space, judging me. This part will be hard for me. They will also have him tested with speech and hearing (AGAIN!!!!)
Seriously cant they just take the children's hospitals word for it!?! Then they will have an occupational therapist do some testing on him. And an IQ test. And some other test that they will do some test at the district office where they will have like a pretend birthday party and a few other things to see how he will react. Kaden is not going to be a happy camper. He hates this and threw all the stuff during the last IQ test so this should be interesting. Its funny how everyone has to do their own testing on him and cant take anyone else's word for it. they all have to prove it over and over again. I feel bad for my little guy. he hate being in these tiny rooms and having to sit through all of this. I KNOW it is what needs to happen to get him EVERY help possible. Which is what is best for him, but at the same time they are just doing the same things over and over. Anywho, again this is how I am feeling at the moment and need to vent. And Vernon needs a break from me. Trust me when I say in the end I know this will all be worth it.
Posted by Carolyn at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Last post for today I promise...I think
I took my camera with me today to get the kids and boy and I glad I did. Danica's class made ginger bread houses today and we got a few fun pictures. So here is the boys waiting for JD and Danica to get out of school in my new jogging stroller. it was only 52 when we headed out so the boys got to have a blanket. Plus Kaden was half asleep. Here is Danica with her Ginger Bread House, How cute! (side note, Danica lost her second tooth today while eating breakfast. Unfortunitly, she swallowed it)
Next is JD! Looks like he had a great day at school. He loves to wear his hood. He is working on losing his 3rd tooth! I can not believe it they are getting SO big. :( I tried to get a good picture of all the kids with the ginger bread house, here is the best one out of the group, they were all ready to eat it and were busy sneaking pieces. As usual they were too busy to all smile at once.
I tried to get a good Kaden alone picture but he didnt want any part of it. So here he is getting ready to have a nap.
And one more of Dalton playing in the box. This one he is standing and clapping, growing up way too fast if you ask me! Tiffany please note that my floor needs to be swept and the rug is all out of place, shoes have been taken off the shelf and the hair brush, Oh and there is Danica's bowl on the floor behind him too! I promise my house is not as clean as you made it sound the other day :)
Also my kids do get bathed and washed up often but we were rushing and they kept sneaking chocolate. what a mess it makes!
Posted by Carolyn at 2:42 PM 1 comments
Return to Sender
Today we got a box from grandma Amy and as I was removing things from the box and hiding them. Dalton decide to play going to grandmas. Here are a couple pictures of my cutie! He is growing up way too fast! He started blowing kisses today and then would clap after. I wish I would have gotten my camera, but I was afraid he would stop and I didnt want to miss a minute of it.
Posted by Carolyn at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Blog
I am making a side blog where I will post my menu and recipes for 2 weeks at a time (our pay period) If there is ANYONE who reads this who would like to share recipes, menus, even just occasionally PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment and I will add you as a contributer. I love trying new recipes! Anyway, click on the Care Cooks link to see tonights dinner and in the morning I will be going through and adding the menu (I hope, if the boys nap at the same time) Anyway, I wrote a more detailed explantion on there. Thanks! Hugs and kisses to everyone! ~Care
Posted by Carolyn at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Another failed attempt
OK, Any ideas on how to get all the kids to take a decent picture? The tree in our front yard has dropped a ton of leaves and so I thought it would cute to have all the kids lay down in them and get a picture. Yeah it didnt turn out so well. but here it is anyway (the best one out of the bunch). And a cute one of Dalt. It is finally a non foggy day so we will probably venture out again after nap time I will take my camera just in case.
And a cute one of Dalt because he decided to not wiggle and try to get up AFTER all of the other kids moved.
Posted by Carolyn at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Little Kaden update
When we had the speech evaluation the set a copy to the school district as well. They forwarded it to the speech therapist at the school. who I met with right before Thanksgiving break. She said she needed to meet with a few people to figure out how best to help with Kaden. So she talk to the school district psychologist and I talked to her today and she wants to start the ball rolling on getting a diagnosis for Kaden with the school district. I dunno I am confused when we have the diagnosis from the neuropsychologist. But whatever we are getting the ball rolling to help Kaden and that is all that matters. So anyway I meet with her tomorrow and sign a bunch of agreements (to Kaden being tested, and them getting the info from CVRC) They said it was good that we already have the diagnosis, but this doctor takes forever to get the paperwork to you and we dont want to slow anything down so we are moving forward with it this way atleast he will be getting into the school system......mommy is having a hard time with it, she thinks her kids should be home with her till they are 5. But I want to give him every chance to succeed. Anyway, that is the latest and greatest from our house.
Oh wait one more quick cute thing. The other day Danica came home crying because she was having to go back to her classroom for reading (she had just moved up last month from being in her class, to a higher level) So I asked her if she wanted me to talk to her teacher and she what was going on because I had just gotten so much praise on how quickly she was picking up reading. She said no she didn't want me to go and talk to her. We get home and I am looking through her paperwork and find one of her reading pages and it says Danica is moving up to the next level. I guess every class has 2 teachers for reading and so yes she was going back to her class but going up ANOTHER level!!!! YAY! I am so proud!!! They tried to get me to hold her back in K again because they were not reading in Hawaii and when we got here they were already reading. SO while she maybe sad (the other teacher has a better treasure box, LOL)
I am bursting with pride. She is doing so well.
Love you all!
Posted by Carolyn at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Dessert Personality Test!
I saw this on my friend Kaylee's Blog and loved it so I stole it hahaha! I choose Carrot Cake...does it sound like me?
If all of the eight desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose (sorry, you can only pick one)! Trust me...this is very accurate. Pick your Dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about you.
REMEMBER - No Cheating. Make your choice before you check the meaning.
Here are your choices:
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue Pie
4.. Vanilla Cake With Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Icing
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake
No, you can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully about what your choice will be.
OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what the researchers say about you.... SCROLL DOWN---No Cheating
1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE -- Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzyitems. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
2. BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tendto be very loyal.
3. LEMON MERINGUE -- Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands; you are an excellent caregiver and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, you set your own style because you do your own thing. You shine when it comes to helping others and have many friends.
4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING -- Fun-loving, sassy, humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lacking motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. You can be very emotional at times but a true person in every way. You like to do things for yourself and help others learn about themselves.
6. CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will notsettle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
7. ICE CREAM -- You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
8. CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and alittle quirky at times. You have many loyal friends. You were meant to lead and teach others. A wonderful role model.
Posted by Carolyn at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
27 Things I love about Vernon
Today is Vernon's Birthday, so this post is mostly for him, but y'all can read it too. To honor your Birthday I am going to post one thing I love about you for every year you have been alive!
1. I love that you can cook and are willing to do it. I never realized how lucky I am that I have you to fall back on if I am sick or just don't want to make make dinner. But I have learned most husband are not that way, so I am very lucky.
2. I love that you make the kids read YOU bed time stories. And I know they love it too.
3. I love how you worry if I don't call you at work, you call me to make sure everything is OK with me.
4. I love that you call me randomly during the day just to tell me you love me and see how my day is going.
5. I love that you come home to have lunch with me when you can. It helps break up the day and makes me feel special.
6. I love that you at least try my crazy concoctions. I know when I get into a crazy mood and just mix ingredients together is freaks you out a little, but you always try a bite.
7. I love how you always believe in me and know just how much to push me into bettering myself.
8. I love that you are willing to do chores and help around the house. Not only is it such a help to me, but it is also a great example to our kids.
9. I love how when you are referring to one of the kids it is always MY. My Nana girl, My Booger, My KK, My Dalt Dalt. I don't know why I love this so much. But it is very cute.
10. I love that you help with homework time. It helps take a lot of stress off of me and helps it to go much quicker.
11. I love that you go to appointments with me. It shows how much you really care about what is going on in all of our lives.
12. I love your willingness to serve our country. It is a hard job and I am so proud of you!
13. I love that you snuggle me all night. I feel so safe wrapped up in your arms.
14. I love that you are my best friend. You are my Rock. You are always there beside me cheering me on, supporting me, believing in me. Even when I don't.
15. I love that I can be totally honest with you. I never have to hide anything with you. You may get upset, but nothing ever changes your love for me.
16. I love that you hold me while I cry and try to make me feel better. What better way to show your love for a person?
17. I love that you think I am cute when I am mad. (sometimes I act mad and put on my mad face, even though I know you are just teasing me, so you will tell me how cute I look)
18. I love that you go grocery shopping with me. I know its not a fun task, but it is a lot nicer to have you along side me while we shop.
19. And along those same lines, I love that you put your arm around my waist while we are shopping. It helps me feel more secure.
20. I love that you will go to the store and buy anything for me. It doesn't matter what it is from female products to make up to clothes. He can do it all and he does it for me.
21. I love that you are a good daddy to our kids. You take the time to spend with each one of them and help them feel special at just the right times.
22. I love that you are always trying to better yourself, and trying to make things better for our family.
23. I love that you support our family. When the subject of me working has come up, you help me to realize that I need to be home. We may not always have the fun stuff, but you make sure our needs are taken care of.
24. I love that you are not afraid to ask for help or admit that you need me in your life. I need you too :)
25. I love that when we have a disagreement, you cant stay mad at me and do what you can to make things better.
26. I love that you play with the kids. I love to watch you out there playing catch, or tag or just tickle the kids. And I know how much they love that you do that too.
27. And last but not least, I love that you love me. And I hope you know how much I love you. Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Posted by Carolyn at 8:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Heard a Little rumor
That we may be getting a special visitor for Christmas, so we decided to put off getting out decorations for a week. But I did get some pretty cute pictures anyway.
The weekend is the only time we are not rushing around enough to have a nice family breakfast, and yesterday was waffle day! Yum Yum! Everyone loves waffles in this house. And what do you do when you are a mess from feeding yourself? Have a bath of course!
I never knew the joys of bathing your kids in the sink. Never really understood it. Now I love it. I can give both Dalt and Kade a bath at the same time, one in each sink and they aren't climbing all over or splashing each other and they are separated so there is no dunking either. Sure beats the bath tub! Why didn't I try this before?
We also made home made pizzas for lunch but I forgot to run in and grab the camera. The kids were so cute helping add toppings (and sneaking pepperoni). I am goona take the camera with me when I pick up the kids and hopefully I can get some cute fall like pictures. Anyway, Hope everyone is having a great day. ~Care
Posted by Carolyn at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My attempt at pictures
Today it was really cold (ok I an a wuss! But only cuz we lived in Hawaii so long!) So instead of going out for our planned photo shoot mommy style, we stayed home and got things in order so that tomorrow we can set up for Christmas! YAY!!!! Plus Danica has been claiming a tummy ache all day and I didn't want to risk anything. So this evening I attempted to get some pictures. It didn't work out too well. But I figure I have been promising to put some new ones up for a while now. So here are the ones that came out best. Hopefully tomorrow we can get some great shots of the kids helping with the Christmas decorations. First attempt, camera fuzzy no one looking. LOVE IT
Second try not much better but camera is clear.
And they are off! Dalton took his first tiney tiny baby step today. Mom clapped and laughed then cried! 10 months and 2 weeks and he is trying to walk. SO happy and so sad! My baby is growing up much to quick! So in this picture of them all racing away from being tortured to hold still and take a nice picture...there is Dalt standing on his own. Till my next post...Hugs and kisses to all. hope you are all safe healthy and happy. For that is truly the best blessing you can have.
Posted by Carolyn at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
For those of you
I upset with my post about Kaden...Here is a new one just for you. Kaden was diagnosed with Autism. When I said he was labeled I was stating a fact. He is, it is not a death sentence. EVERY time I take him to the doctor, EVERY time I have to talk to the school, EVERY time I have to fight for his rights I will have to use the terms Autism and Autistic. It will go hand in hand a lot of the time with Kaden. ( I am not politically correct, never have been, never will be! I am not an under privileged American, I am poor white trash!) Kaden has Autism, But Autism doesn't have him! Nor will it change his place in our family or our hearts. He is our little KK and he is treated just like the other kids. He gets in trouble, he has time outs, he gets scolded. But he also gets all of our love. If you ask our kids who is a little more privileged in this house they will tell you its Kaden. They all know if they choose not to eat dinner it is their choice, and I will not run out and buy them something special because they didn't eat. But I do, do it for Kaden. Why you ask, because Kaden is different. We have spent plenty of time explaining to them about it and they understand. Kaden is very very picky and will go days with out eating and rarely eats what the rest of us eat. Fair not really, but I have no choice he has to eat. They also know when he poops somewhere he shouldn't he is not going to get into as much trouble as they would. So aside from getting special food and more understanding with his messes and melt downs. He gets the same everything. Always has, Always will.
People come with labels, like it or not they do. As for me I have 2. I have Fibromyalgia. I also have the label of bipolar, which causes anxiety attacks. When I go to the doctor I have to tell them that. When I have to explain to my kids why mommy isn't feeling up to going and standing around with a huge crowd of people to do something, or why some days mommy hurts, I have to explain. I have LABELS! But does it change who I am or what my family feels for me. NO! So I am sorry if I did not explain my feelings right. Or somehow lead you to believe that I will not do EVERYTHING in my power to give Kaden EVERY chance all of my other kids will have. But with the military and doctors and school. Kaden has a label but that is not all he has or is and we know that. He has US his family who will love him, push him, and do everything in our power to help him be the best Kaden he can be. And that is all we will ever ask of any of our children. This is my journal and my feelings and most days my brain isn't all together and things come out a mess. But this is for me. It is MY outlet. PC or not. Loving and Kind or NOT. This is for me and those who want a tiny glimpse into our life. I encourage people to leave comments, and maybe my emotions are too far out on my sleeve or maybe I am still a little emotionally raw. But since I had a few people say the same things to me I thought I needed to clarify. I love you all and have found the cord to the camera so I am all set to have a camera playdate with the kids this weekend! All my love! ~Carolyn
Posted by Carolyn at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kids Parent Teacher Conference
Sorry for the delay. It seems someone does not like me having a computer in the house at all. Every time I turn around something bad is happening to my computer. So after I got done with my blog yesterday, Kaden climbed up on my monitor, (I was in the kitchen putting his lunch in the oven) and peed down into it...ok, we have been through this before, call Vernon at work and ask him to please run to the recycling center and grab a thrown away monitor. Vernon came home with one. Problem solved! YAY! Computer is back and everyone is happy. SO I make dinner, get everyone to bed and Vernon is trying to install something, but then decides to go up to bed so I call up to him and ask how to get out of it and he says turn off the computer. So I did which lead to a complete melt down of my computer. So this morning after I got the kids to school I went in search of the system repair cd's. Found them and everything is back up and running. Sort of. Oh and I think in the process of searching for the cds I found my camera cord (praying hard, havent tried it yet) SO yes, the fates do not want me to have a computer. In the past 3 months I have gone through 3 monitors. 2 computer crashes and One ruined (pooped on, who knew poop would completely kill a laptop?) laptop. The Elrods are not supposed to have computers. Hopefully with the occupational therapy Kaden will learn to leave his diaper on and even be able to get potty trained!!!! He had learned to take his diaper off with a onsie on and with his pants on. and can get it off in the blink of and eye. Its not for a lack of my watching, I promise. Anyway, on for better news!
JD and Danica are doing AWESOME in school! They both passed all of their end of trimester tests will little to no problems. They are nice, sweet, polite kids and are a pleasure to have in class. YAY!!!! JD is doing great with his reading and is in the top 2 reading groups for his class and Danica is improving so much everyday with her reading, her teacher was worried at the beginning of the year (we were too) Because she still was not reading. They start reading in K here. But she has caught up and has been moved to a more advanced reading group. All in all it was a great parent teacher conferences for them. I walked out so pleased with my kids. We must be doing something right. OK, off to make lunch. Pray for my computers safety while I am in the kitchen. :D
Posted by Carolyn at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Getting to know you..Christmas version
I got this in an e-mail and figured I would add it on here too. Anyone who would like to steal it and do it is more then welcome to.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? BOTH
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real
3. When do you put up the tree? Don't really have a set day...maybe we should start!
4. When do you take the tree down? Day after Christmas
5. Do you like eggnog? Cant say that I have tried it
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Probably anything to do with Barbies or Dolls
7. Hardest person to buy for? Almost everyone
8. Easiest person to buy for? my kiddos
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yep
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I like mail :)
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Cant think of one
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I like them all
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I am a last minute person
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas presents? I plead the 5th
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Everything :)
16. Lights on the tree? Colored
17. Favorite Christmas song? Breath of Heaven, Mary did you know, Grown up Christmas List
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We will have to stay home as usual
19. Any holiday traditions? We are working on building some
20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? yep
21. Angel on the tree top or a star? ANGEL
22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? One the night before, the rest in the morning
23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? People forgetting why we really are celebrating
24. Favorite ornament theme or color? nope just a jumble of stuff
25. Favorite for Christmas dinner? All of it
26. What do you want for Christmas this year? To see my kids eyes light up and the smiles on their faces.
Ok, That's all for now! but I will be back in a bit to tell all of you Lucky Readers about Parent Teacher Conference.
Posted by Carolyn at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kaden is what.
WHEW! What a day! First in the letter it told us to go to the above address, which was the Doctors office. Weird since I went through the CVRC (central valley regional center) and they told me it was going to be done there. Anywho, get there and they are like um your supposed to be in Visallia, we will call and see if the doc is almost there or if he can turn around and see you there. LOL he was there and said he would wait for us. AWESOME! so we jump in the car quick look at a map to see the quickest route and jump back on the freeway. We get there and get signed in and soon the Dr. comes out to greet us and he is the NICEST man. We spent a lot of time answering questions on Kaden and then we had to sign papers saying he could run some test on him. So he pulled out some puzzles with plastic shapes and tried to get Kade to mimic him. Kaden threw the pieces...OK, on to next test, blocks, see if he would mimic building a tower. Kaden licked the pieces. Next see if Kaden would feed a baby with a spoon. Kaden threw the spoon and checked the baby out. Point to the babies eyes, Doc shows the eyes, Kaden turns the baby over and tries to make it a car. See if Kaden will look at a book. Kaden didn't like this book so he threw it so far it went out of the room and down the hall.. GOOD THROW KADE :)! OK, one more test. This one had a bunch of pegs that you put into holes and they stood up. Kaden did it :) I was so excited! If he had more the one in his hand he wouldn't. But he did put it in a couple of times I was pleased. So Vernon finished up with the paperwork and Kaden finished up with his testing and the doctor looks at us and says based on what you are telling me and the testing I just did I am making the diagnosis of yes Kaden does have Autism. The asked if we had any questions. Yes I have tons! But I cant get my head on straight. All I could manage to ask was what now? I have known something was wrong with my baby for so long and now I had an answer....But it was still hard to hear, no matter how I thought I would handle it and how much I knew deep down that this was what was wrong with Kaden. It suddenly became real. I put a label on my child. But now what....that was all I could ask. How stupid is that!?! He said go to his Ped and tell them that he was diagnosed. Don't I need to wait for your report, nope I just gave you the diagnosis. you have all you need with my verbal telling you. Hmmm not sure how the Navy will take that one but ok. Then while we are talking to his Ped we need to ask (demand) that he start both speech and occupational therapy. We also need to go to the school and get him in a special ed preschool. If they tell us they don't have one we need to be firm. It is Federal Law that he gets to go to school and get started now because he is special needs. We also need to get back in touch with the person we first saw at the CVRC. And she will help get us into support groups and many many other things that are out there for us now that we have a diagnosis. I am sure this is not making a lot of sense, my brain feels jumbled. I tried to bake to clear my head, but after 10 dozen cookies made I am still feeling confused and overwhelmed. I know we can do this. We just have to take it one step at a time. But we have to fight for him. We will fight for him. And we will do the best we can, cuz that is all we can do. I know I have been promising pictures I and promise soon. I have lost the cord that plugs into my computer so I cant upload them. Sorry again for the jumbled mess. As I sort things out, I will add more. And fix it so it doesn't sound so jumpy and a lot less stressed. I am fine we are fine. Just have to get over the next few steps. Guess I should quit rambling and head to bed. Tomorrow is parent teacher conference for JD and Danica and that might be another fight. I am going to ask about having Danica tested for Dyslexia. She is reading somethings backwords and writes numbers backwords but says them correctly like the number is 51, but she will write 15 and tell me she wrote 51. Or write the 5 backwords. And reading she will read words like baby, dady...that sort of stuff and it worries me, so we shall she what her teacher says. Anyway thanks for reading. Hugs and kisses to all! and again sorry if this makes no sense at all. ~care
Posted by Carolyn at 8:05 PM 3 comments