Saturday, December 20, 2008

Need camera HELP

OK, so when tax return season hits, along with doing the smart thing and pay and all that other good stuff, I am going to do something purely selfish. i am going to buy myself a digital SLR camera. But I am struggling to find the perfect one for me and what I want. So if ANY of you out there have any thoughts on this and can help me out it would be so appreciated! I want something that will be clear, look semi professional, with out me having to be. It will need to be semi sturdy,but not like carrying around a brick, and something that both Vernon and I can use. Thoughts? Anyone? I have seen some WONDERFUL pictures on blogs while I am browsing through list...OK, I admit it, I blog stalk. LOL. Now I am jealous of all the wonderful picture out there and want nice ones too!